Using the formula T= 15(x+y/60+z/3600), give the equivalent degree for 3:30 am

Assuming this is the continuation of the previous question, where

x=hours (military time)
3:30 gives
Substitute into the given formula to get T

To find the equivalent degree for 3:30 am using the formula T = 15(x + y/60 + z/3600), where T represents the degree, x represents the hour (in 24-hour format), y represents the minutes, and z represents the seconds, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the values for x, y, and z.
- For 3:30 am, x = 3 (since it is the hour), y = 30 (since it is the minutes), and z = 0 (since there are no seconds).

Step 2: Substitute the values in the formula T = 15(x + y/60 + z/3600).
- T = 15(3 + 30/60 + 0/3600)
- Simplifying this expression, we get T = 15(3 + 0.5 + 0)
- T = 15(3.5)

Step 3: Calculate the final value of T.
- T = 15 * 3.5
- T = 52.5

Thus, the equivalent degree for 3:30 am is 52.5 degrees.