write 31 hundred thousands in standard form


23 ten thosands in standard form

31 times 100,000 = ??

23 times 10,000 = ??

Let us know what you decide.

1. 3,100,000

2. 230,000


To write 31 hundred thousands in standard form, we need to understand the place value system. In standard form, each digit represents a specific place value, starting from right to left: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, billions, and so on.

In this case, 31 hundred thousands means we have 31 sets of hundred thousands. One hundred thousand equals 100,000. Multiplying 31 by 100,000 gives us the value for 31 hundred thousands.

31 × 100,000 = 3,100,000

Therefore, 31 hundred thousands in standard form is 3,100,000.

Similarly, to write 23 ten thousands in standard form, we first need to understand the place value system. Ten thousand is the fourth place value to the left of the ones place.

To convert 23 ten thousands into standard form, we multiply 23 by 10,000:

23 × 10,000 = 230,000

Hence, 23 ten thousands in standard form is 230,000.