Which of the following is a chacteristic of middle childhood?

What following?

Looks like your teacher forgot to give you the options. :-)

Middle childhood, typically spanning from around 6 to 12 years of age, is a period of significant development and growth in a child's life. There are several characteristics that are commonly associated with this stage:

1. Cognitive development: During middle childhood, children's cognitive abilities continue to mature. They become capable of more logical thinking, problem-solving, critical thinking, and understanding abstract concepts.

2. Social development: Children in this age range start to develop more complex social skills and are able to form friendships based on mutual interests and shared activities. They become more aware of social norms and rules, and their interactions with peers become increasingly important.

3. Physical development: Middle childhood is marked by physical growth and development. Children's gross and fine motor skills improve, allowing them to participate in sports, hobbies, and other physical activities with greater proficiency.

4. Emotional development: As children progress through middle childhood, they gain a better understanding of their own emotions and those of others. They become more capable of expressing their feelings and developing empathy towards others.

5. Increased independence: Middle childhood is a time when children start asserting more independence and autonomy. They may become more responsible for their own daily routines, hygiene, and self-care tasks.

It's important to note that these characteristics may vary from child to child, as development occurs at an individual pace. Observing and understanding a child's growth in these domains can provide insights into their developmental stage.