please explain to me how I work out problems such as "-2-3" to get the correct answer and show the same on a number line

If you owe your brother $2 and then borrow another $3 from him -- how much do you owe him?

This number line should help you.

Right. Always think of negative numbers as money you owe and positive numbers as money you have. I believe that's the easiest way to evaluate those expressions.

To work out a problem like "-2-3" and represent it on a number line, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by writing the expression "-2-3".

Step 2: Simplify the expression by subtracting the numbers.
-2 - 3 = -5

Step 3: Now, we will draw a number line. Place a point or a small line segment at zero on the number line.

Step 4: To represent -2 on the number line, move two units to the left from zero and mark that point as -2.

Step 5: From -2, move three more units to the left and mark that point as -5. This represents the result of the subtraction.

Step 6: Label the number line with the appropriate numbers (-2 and -5) around the marked points.

So, the answer to the equation "-2-3" is -5, and on the number line, it is represented by having a point at the location labeled -5, which is three units to the left of -2.