Joe, a high school junior, is considering a career in medicine but he's unsure if he wants to commit himself to several more years of schooling. with whom is he most likely to consult with on this issue?

A. Best friend B. Girlfriend C. Parents D. Guidance counselor

This question can't be answered because we don't have enough information about Joe.

Most likely or which is best? D is best.

Cannot respond to most likely. Is a parent a physician?

Sounds like, somewhere, your text sites a study that answers this question from that one (possibly erroneous) study. It can't be answered based off the information here.

I remember this question from when I took psychology. I also remember getting it wrong. This was several years ago. I believe that the answer was parents, because a high school male is more likely to discuss his future with his parents as opposed to anyone else. I am not 100% positive though, although I am almost positive. I believe I put best friend and that wasn't correct.

guidance counselor

When Joe is unsure about his career choice and needs guidance, one of the best sources to consult with would be a guidance counselor. Guidance counselors are professionals trained to provide advice and support to students regarding educational and career decisions. They have knowledge about different career paths, educational requirements, and can help Joe explore the pros and cons of pursuing a career in medicine. They can also provide information about alternative healthcare professions or suggest other options that align with Joe's interests and preferences. Therefore, the most suitable option for Joe to consult with on this issue would be a guidance counselor (option D).