(M^2 + M - 14)/(M + 4)=

A- X-3
B- X+2
C- X+3
D- X-2
E- 2X+2

This cannot be factored, but if you

used long division, you'll get
M - 3 with a remainder of -2.

wAS -14 MEANT TO BE -12 ?

M^2 + m - 12 = (M + 4) (M - 3) / (M+4) = M - 3.

To simplify the given expression (M^2 + M - 14)/(M + 4), you can use polynomial long division or factoring methods. Let's go through the factoring method to find the answer.

Step 1: Factor the numerator: M^2 + M - 14.
To find the factors of -14 that sum up to +1 (the coefficient of M), we can factor the quadratic expression as follows:
(M + 7)(M - 2)

Step 2: Rewrite the expression using the factored form:
[(M + 7)(M - 2)] / (M + 4)

Step 3: Cancel out any common factors between the numerator and denominator:
(M + 7) / (M + 4)

So, the simplified form of the given expression is (M + 7)/(M + 4).

Now, let's compare this simplified form with the given answer choices: A- X-3, B- X+2, C- X+3, D- X-2, E- 2X+2.

None of the answer choices match the simplified expression (M + 7)/(M + 4). Therefore, none of the answer choices A, B, C, D, and E are correct for this given expression.