profits from trade helped strong ??? develope in east africa

What are your answer choices?

middle passage

mayflower compact
northwest passage
..thanks for the help

I don't like any of these answers. The only ones that might fit -- depending upon the time period would be


thats what i thought too but I just used Monarchs for the king question and the colonies for Colubus founded the first spanish "colony" in the americas. appreciate the help

Profits from trade played a significant role in the development of strong civilizations in East Africa. One example is the ancient city-state of Kilwa, located on an island off the coast of present-day Tanzania. Kilwa became a prominent trading center in the Indian Ocean trade network during the medieval period, from the 9th to the 14th century.

Here's how profits from trade helped Kilwa and other civilizations in East Africa develop:

1. Trade Routes: East Africa was strategically positioned along the Indian Ocean trade routes, connecting Africa with the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. This allowed for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences. East African traders accumulated wealth through selling local products like gold, ivory, spices, and exotic animal skins.

2. Economic Growth: The prosperity brought by trade resulted in economic growth and urbanization. Wealthy merchants built grand palaces, mosques, and public structures in cities like Kilwa. These cities became centers of commerce and attracted people from diverse backgrounds, fueling cultural exchange, education, and technological advancements.

3. Infrastructure Development: To facilitate trade, prosperous civilizations invested in developing ports, harbors, and transportation networks. Kilwa, for instance, constructed a deep harbor that allowed large ships to dock, attracting more traders and merchants. Improved infrastructure enhanced connectivity and trade relations with other regions.

4. Political Influence: As trade flourished, powerful states emerged in East Africa, such as the Sultanate of Kilwa. These states grew wealthy through taxing trade and maintaining control over key ports and trade routes. The rulers of these states accumulated wealth, established strong militaries, and expanded their political influence. This, in turn, led to stability, trade protection, and economic growth.

5. Cultural Exchange: Trade brought different cultures together, leading to the exchange of ideas, technology, and knowledge. East African civilizations assimilated Arabian, Persian, Indian, and Chinese influences, resulting in the development of unique cultural practices, architectural styles, and artistic expressions.

In summary, profits from trade allowed East African civilizations like Kilwa to flourish. The wealth accumulated through trade facilitated economic growth, infrastructure development, political influence, and cultural exchange. These factors collectively contributed to the rise of strong and prosperous civilizations in East Africa.