graph the equation and identify the y intercept: y=1/2x

How do work this can anyone help with step by step as i will have more of these?

Do you perhaps mean

y = (1/2) x
If so, when x = 0, y = 0

If it is really
y = 1/(2x)
then when x = 0, y is undefined.

it really means y= 1/2 x

Does x have to represent 0? I need to know why

The y axis intercept is the value of y when x = 0

because any old function that crosses the y axis does so along the vertical line x = 0

This one never quite hits the vertical axis

the question says to list the ordered pair,is the ordered pair (0,0).Some of the questions give "undefined as an option, but not this question.

Well, 1/(2*0) is undefined

so I would have to say
(0, oo)
(0, -oo)

where oo means infinity.

Are you absolutely sure you do not have a typo in the problem statement?
If it were y = x/2 the solution would be (0,0)

Graph the equation and identify the y intercept: y= one half*x or 1/2*x

The y intercept is____
type in the ordered pair.

That is the exact question