im writing a paper comparing and contrasting the government , art, and religion of ancient Greece, Rome, and the Middle ages, and i don't know how to make an outline....?

You are comparing two governments with an era? That might be difficult.

first, figure out what you are to do: I suspect something is wrong with Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages.
Second, figure out what you want to say.

A draft outline will follow.

Study these sites about outlining.

When creating an outline for your paper comparing and contrasting the government, art, and religion of ancient Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Introduction: Start with a brief overview of the three periods you will be discussing - ancient Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages. Introduce the significance of government, art, and religion in each period and provide a thesis statement that captures the main theme of your paper.

2. Section 1: Government
a. Ancient Greece: Discuss the political systems of ancient Greece, such as democracy in Athens and oligarchy in Sparta. Describe their different structures, decision-making processes, and overall philosophical and political ideals.
b. Rome: Explore the Roman Republic and its government structure, including the Senate, Consuls, and other key institutions. Compare it to the governmental systems of ancient Greece and highlight any similarities or differences.
c. Middle Ages: Examine the feudal system, which dominated the Middle Ages, and its hierarchical structure, including kings, nobles, and peasants. Discuss any unique features of governance during this period.

3. Section 2: Art
a. Ancient Greece: Discuss the major artistic achievements of ancient Greece, including architecture, sculpture, and pottery. Highlight the influence of Greek aesthetic principles and their focus on harmony, proportion, and humanism.
b. Rome: Explore Roman art and architecture, emphasizing the influence of Greco-Roman traditions. Discuss the different architectural forms, such as temples, amphitheaters, and baths, and the importance of portraiture and public monuments during this time.
c. Middle Ages: Analyze the art of the Middle Ages, including religious paintings, stained glass windows, and illuminated manuscripts. Highlight the influence of Christianity and the role of art in conveying religious messages.

4. Section 3: Religion
a. Ancient Greece: Explore the ancient Greek religious beliefs and practices, including the worship of gods and goddesses, rituals, and temples. Discuss how religion influenced various aspects of ancient Greek society.
b. Rome: Examine the religious landscape of ancient Rome, including the pantheon of gods and goddesses and the role of state religion in maintaining social order. Compare it to the religious practices of ancient Greece.
c. Middle Ages: Discuss the dominant role of Christianity during the Middle Ages, including Catholicism and its rituals, the power of the Church, and its influence on daily life, politics, and art.

5. Conclusion: Summarize the key points you have discussed in each section and restate your thesis. Highlight any patterns or significant differences that emerged from your comparison and contrast.

Remember to provide evidence, examples, and references to support your points throughout your paper. This outline will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent and structured essay.