how do you simplify (8-(�ã-36)) / 4 and express it in a+bi format?

Please help!

oops sorry (8-(sqrt-36))/4

(8 - √(-36))/4 = (8 - 6i)/4 = (4 - 3i)/2

To simplify the expression (8 - (�ã - 36)) / 4, we need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

1. First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
(�ã - 36) = (9i - 36)

2. Next, we can combine the like terms:
(9i - 36) = 9i - 36

3. Now, we can substitute the simplified expression back into the original equation:
(8 - (�ã - 36)) / 4 = (8 - (9i - 36)) / 4

4. Continuing with the order of operations, let's distribute the negative sign inside the parentheses:
(8 - (9i - 36)) = 8 - 9i + 36

5. Combine like terms:
8 - 9i + 36 = 44 - 9i

6. Finally, divide the resulting expression by 4:
(44 - 9i)/4 = 44/4 - (9i)/4

The real part is 44/4 = 11, and the coefficient of the imaginary part is -9/4, so the expression in a+bi format is:
11 - (9/4)i