what year did Harriet Tubman help develope the Underground RailRoad?

Apparently it was 1850.


The Underground Railroad was in effect before she became involved. Her first trip at freeing relatives was in 1850.


Harriet Tubman played a significant role in guiding slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. She was born around 1822, and the Underground Railroad played a crucial role in the mid-19th century. To determine the specific years when Tubman was actively involved, we can follow these steps:

1. Harriet Tubman's most active years in the Underground Railroad were from the 1850s to the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861. During this time, Tubman made numerous trips to the South, leading enslaved people to freedom in the North or Canada.

2. One notable event occurred in 1850 when Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act, which increased the urgency for enslaved people to escape to freedom. Tubman's efforts intensified during this period.

3. Tubman continued her courageous work throughout the late 1850s, usually during the fall and winter months when it was easier to avoid detection.

Based on this information, we can conclude that Harriet Tubman helped develop the Underground Railroad primarily throughout the 1850s, including the years leading up to the American Civil War in 1861.