The width of a rectangle is fixed at 30cm. What lengths will make the perimeter grater than 82cm.?

P = 2L + 2W

82 = 2L + 2(30)
82 - 60 = 2L
22 = 2L
? = L

To find the lengths that will make the perimeter of a rectangle greater than 82 cm, we need to consider the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle: P = 2(l + w), where P represents the perimeter, l represents the length, and w represents the width.

In this case, the width is fixed at 30 cm, so w = 30 cm. We need to find the values of l that will make the perimeter greater than 82 cm.

Let's solve the inequality equation: 2(l + 30) > 82

First, simplify the equation: 2l + 60 > 82

Next, subtract 60 from both sides of the inequality: 2l > 82 - 60, which gives 2l > 22

Finally, divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to isolate l: l > 22/2, which simplifies to l > 11

Therefore, any length greater than 11 cm will make the perimeter of the rectangle greater than 82 cm.

So, the lengths that will make the perimeter greater than 82 cm are l > 11 cm.