how do can i memorize all that multiplication

Make and use Flash cards. IT works.

write it down a hundred times

Focus on one group a week. Study flashcards for 5-10 minutes a day. That's what I do with students I tutor. Week 1: 0's and 1's, week 2: 2's, week 3: 3's, week 4: 4's, week 5: 5's, week 6: review so far, make sure you've retained all the facts, week 7: 6's, week 8: 7's, week 9: 8's, week 10: 9's, week 11: 10's, week 12: 11's, week 13: 12's, week 14: review, week 15: work on gaining speed, review again

Make sure you have all the facts memorized (get someone to quiz you) before you move on to the next week! If you don't have that much time, then do half weeks instead of weeks!

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Memorizing multiplication tables can be a challenging task, but with practice and persistence, it can be achieved. Here's a step-by-step method to help you memorize all the multiplication facts:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by memorizing the multiplication table for numbers 1 to 10. This is the foundation for understanding higher multiplication facts.

2. Use visual aids: Visual aids can help you associate numbers with visual patterns. For example, draw a multiplication grid or use flashcards with the multiplication facts. This visual representation can make it easier to remember the relationships between the numbers.

3. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to memorizing multiplication facts. Set aside specific time each day to review and practice the multiplication tables. Repetition helps reinforce the information in your memory.

4. Use mnemonic techniques: Mnemonics are memory devices that can make it easier to remember information. Create mnemonic phrases or stories for each multiplication fact. For example, "6 times 8 is 48, as sweet as a strawberry pie." Associating the multiplication fact with a memorable phrase can make it easier to recall.

5. Break it down: If certain multiplication facts are difficult to remember, break them down into simpler multiplication facts. For example, if you're struggling with 8 x 7, think of it as (8 x 5) + (8 x 2), which can be easier to calculate.

6. Test yourself: Regularly quiz yourself on the multiplication facts. Use online quizzes, flashcards, or ask a friend or family member to test you. The act of recalling the information reinforces your memory and helps identify any gaps in your knowledge.

7. Use multiplication in real-life scenarios: Apply multiplication to real-life situations whenever possible. For instance, when cooking or shopping, calculate quantities or prices using multiplication. Practical application helps to reinforce your understanding and memory of multiplication facts.

Remember, the key to memorization is practice and repetition. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate each small achievement along the way. With time and dedication, you'll be able to memorize all the multiplication facts.