All living things respond in certain ways to _____ in their environment.

What are your choices?

We don't have choices. We are thinking its changes or respond or react

How about stimuli?

To find the answer to this question, we can start by breaking it down. We are looking for a term that describes how living things respond to their environment. One key word in the question is "respond," which implies a reaction or a behavior. Another important clue is that the question refers to "all living things," suggesting that the answer should be a universal characteristic shared by all organisms.

The term that fits these criteria is "stimuli." Living things respond to stimuli in their environment. Stimuli can be any factors or changes in the environment that trigger a response or behavior in an organism. Examples of stimuli include light, temperature, sound, touch, chemicals, and even the presence of other organisms.

So, in summary, the term you are looking for is "stimuli." All living things respond in certain ways to stimuli in their environment.