Find (A upside down U B) upside down U C, given

A = {s,e,t}
B = {m,E}
C = {f,r,e,e,}

Ok, that's A intersection B intersection C. You have to find out what they have in common with repeating any elements. The paranthesis means to do this first. A and B have an e in common. That e is also in C, so your answer is e.

(Side note: A U B means a union b. If you were asked to find this, you bring together everything in both sets without repeating. A U B would be s, e, m, t.)

So Would it be like this?

A,B, = e
C = e
AUB = s,e,m,t

To find the expression (A upside down U B) upside down U C, we need to perform the set operations step-by-step.

First, let's find A upside down U B, which represents the intersection of sets A and B.

A upside down U B = {x | x ∈ A and x ∈ B}

In this case, the only common element between sets A and B is the letter 'e'.

A upside down U B = {e}

Next, let's find the intersection of the result from the previous step, which is (A upside down U B), with set C.

(A upside down U B) upside down U C = {x | x ∈ (A upside down U B) and x ∈ C}

Considering the common element 'e', we can see that it is present in set C.

(A upside down U B) upside down U C = {e}

Therefore, the expression (A upside down U B) upside down U C simplifies to {e}.

To find the intersection of sets A upside down U B and set C, you need to first find the upside down U (intersection) of sets A and B. Then, calculate the intersection of the result with set C.

Step 1: Find the upside down U of sets A and B:
The upside down U (intersection) of two sets is the set of elements that are common to both sets. In this case, A = {s,e,t} and B = {m,E}. The intersection of A and B is the set {E} because it is the only element that both sets have in common.

Result: A upside down U B = {E}.

Step 2: Find the upside down U of the result from step 1 and set C:
Now, you need to calculate the intersection of the result from step 1 ({E}) and set C = {f,r,e,e}. The common element in both sets is 'e'.

Result: (A upside down U B) upside down U C = {e}.