can I email someone my test that I need help with? I could really use the help. Thanks

No. The Jiskha Forum doesn't operate that way.

You should have sought help in understanding this math long before you are to be tested on it.

Just post a question or a few that you are struggling most with. If you care enough, you will take the time to type them up.

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with your test, but as an AI language model, I'm unable to receive or respond to actual emails. However, I can still provide you with guidance on how to get help with your test.

1. Consult your teacher or professor: Reach out to your instructor and explain that you're having difficulties with the test. They may offer additional assistance or guidance.

2. Form a study group: Consider forming a study group with your classmates who are also preparing for the test. Collaborating and discussing the material can be beneficial for everyone involved.

3. Online forums and communities: Look for online forums or communities related to your subject or topic. These platforms often have members who are willing to help answer questions and clarify concepts.

4. Online tutoring services: If you need personalized help, you can consider utilizing online tutoring services. Many platforms offer private tutors who can provide one-on-one assistance and guidance with your specific test.

Remember, it's important to be mindful of academic integrity. Sharing the actual test questions with others who may take the test in the future could be considered unethical and could harm your academic standing. Focus on understanding the material and seeking assistance to improve your own comprehension and performance.