“There are two extremes. . . which he who has given up the world ought to avoid. What are these two extremes? A life given to pleasures, devoted to pleasures and lusts: this is degrading, sensual, vulgar, ignoble, and profitless; and a life given to mortifications: this is painful, ignoble, and profitless.”

—The Buddha, Sermon at Benares

In the excerpt from the Buddha’s sermon, Buddha taught about

the Fourfold Path.

the Middle Way.



I'm sure it's the middle way.


What is your answer?

the middle way?

I am stuck between this and nirvana.

In the excerpt from the Buddha's sermon, the Buddha taught about the "Middle Way." The Middle Way refers to a balanced and moderate approach to life. The Buddha emphasized the importance of avoiding extremes in order to find true enlightenment and liberation from suffering. He mentioned that there are two extremes that one should avoid: a life given solely to worldly pleasures and lusts, and a life of extreme self-mortification.

By avoiding the extreme of indulgence in sensual pleasures and the extreme of severe mortification, one can find the middle ground that leads to enlightenment. The Middle Way is a path of moderation, mindfulness, and ethical conduct. It is about finding a balanced approach in all aspects of life, neither indulging in excessive sensual desires nor denying oneself basic needs.

So, in summary, the Buddha's teaching in this excerpt is about the Middle Way, which advocates for a balanced and moderate approach to life, avoiding extremes in pursuit of enlightenment and liberation from suffering.