How do you do a division problem?

To do a division problem, you need to follow these steps:

1. Write down the division equation. It should consist of a dividend (the number being divided) and a divisor (the number you are dividing by), with a division symbol (÷) in between them. For example, let's say we want to divide 25 by 5, the equation would look like this: 25 ÷ 5.

2. Begin by dividing the first digit of the dividend by the divisor. In our example, divide 2 (the first digit of 25) by 5. Since 2 cannot be divided evenly by 5, we move on to the next digit.

3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend. In our example, bring down the digit 5, making our current number 25.

4. Now, divide 25 by 5. This yields a quotient of 5, since 25 can be evenly divided by 5. Write this quotient above the line.

5. If there are still digits left in the dividend, bring down the next digit and add it to the right of the number you just divided. In our example, there are no more digits left, so we stop here.

6. Check if there is a remainder. If the division was exact (no remainder), you have your final quotient. If there is a remainder, it can be written as a fraction or a decimal. In our example, 25 ÷ 5 = 5 with no remainder, so our final quotient is 5.

Remember, practice is key, and with more complex division problems, you may need to use long division or other strategies.