My teacher post a essay question that needs to address the problem with a specific treaty or convention. But I do not understand what he means by also addressing the history, regimes, and compliance. What is he asking in relation to the treaty and essay?

Provide the background. It might help if you would also post the exact prompt the teacher gave you.


he actually just said for us to look for a treaty and provide the following history, regime, and compliance. But what does he mean with history, regime, and compliance in relation to a treaty?

If these are new words for you, did you look each one up in a good dictionary?

history = background, record or description of past events, related to that treat y

regime = government at that time

compliance = conformity or acting according to certain accepted standards; in other words were the "rules and regulations" followed?


In relation to the essay question, your teacher is asking you to analyze and discuss the problem with a specific treaty or convention. However, your teacher also wants you to provide context and a broader understanding by addressing the treaty's history, regimes, and compliance.

To effectively address these aspects, follow these steps:

1. Research the treaty or convention: Start by gathering information about the treaty or convention you're assigned to analyze. Look for its full name, the date it was established, the countries or entities involved, and the specific issue it aimed to address. Understand the treaty's purpose and objectives.

2. Explore the treaty's history: Dive into the historical background of the treaty or convention. Consider factors such as the circumstances that led to its creation, any significant events or developments that occurred during its negotiation process, and the motivations of the parties involved. Understanding the historical context will help you identify any underlying challenges or controversies that may have influenced the treaty's effectiveness.

3. Investigate the regimes established by the treaty: Examine the institutional framework or regimes set up by the treaty or convention. Identify the bodies, organizations, or mechanisms put in place to oversee the implementation and enforcement of the treaty. Analyze the structure, powers, and functions of these regimes, as well as their effectiveness in achieving the treaty's goals. Assess whether there are any inherent limitations or flaws in the treaty's governance structure that may impede its success.

4. Evaluate compliance with the treaty: Review the level of compliance among the treaty's signatories or member states. Investigate whether the parties involved are adhering to the treaty's provisions, obligations, and commitments. Look for instances of non-compliance, any disputes or controversies that have arisen, and any mechanisms in place to address non-compliance. Assess the overall success or failures of the treaty in achieving compliance and the reasons behind them.

5. Address the problem with the treaty: Finally, focus on the specific problem or critique you've been asked to analyze. Use the historical and compliance data you've gathered to support your analysis. Discuss how the treaty's historical context, governance regimes, and compliance (or lack thereof) have contributed to the highlighted problem. Be sure to provide evidence, examples, and potential solutions or alternative approaches to address the identified problem effectively.

By following these steps and incorporating the relevant information into your essay, you will effectively address the problem with the treaty while also offering a comprehensive understanding of its history, regimes, and compliance.