I need to know where to search for information on the social issues of human trafficking.


I did a google search but was unable to find the information on social issues

Some of those sites discuss the social issues caused by prostitution -- AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted and uncared for children, the damage done to society by mistreated women, etc., etc.

an example of social issues could be a child that has ran way and is in need of food?

Yes. But that's not one of the big issues with human trafficking.


I am confused. I am not sure of what exactly I am looking for. I have information on who is at risk in human trafficking and how children are at risk after a disaster. are they considered social issues?

First, you need to define "human trafficking." The Wikipedia article is a good source of that information.

I've already posted some sites that show the social issues involved in human trafficking and I've listed a few of these issues.

please tell me if this would be an example: victims forced into sex slevery are often given drugs and subjected to extreme violence.

To search for information on the social issues of human trafficking, here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start with reliable search engines: Utilize reputable search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to begin your research. These search engines give you access to a vast amount of information on various websites.

2. Use specific keywords: To narrow down your search, use specific keywords related to the social issues of human trafficking, such as "human trafficking social impact," "social consequences of human trafficking," or "societal implications of human trafficking." Including related terms like "victims," "exploitation," "traffickers," or "modern slavery" can also refine your search results.

3. Utilize academic resources: Access academic databases and online libraries like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or the Directory of Open Access Journals. These platforms offer scholarly articles, research papers, reports, and studies focusing on human trafficking's social aspects. Consider searching for specific authors or institutions known for their expertise in this field.

4. Government and non-governmental organization (NGO) websites: Many government agencies and respected NGOs have dedicated sections or resources on their websites addressing human trafficking and its social implications. Look for official governmental websites, such as the U.S. Department of State or the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as reputable NGOs like UNICEF, International Organization for Migration (IOM), or Polaris Project.

5. Research reports and publications: Various organizations publish in-depth reports and publications related to human trafficking's social issues. Explore websites like the Global Slavery Index, the International Labour Organization (ILO), or the Human Trafficking Data Portal to access comprehensive data, statistics, and research findings.

6. Consult academic journals: Numerous academic journals publish articles on human trafficking and its social dimensions. Examples include "Journal of Human Trafficking," "Human Rights Review," or "Critical Criminology." Search these journal databases for specific articles or authors to access valuable insights.

7. Investigate credible news sources: Check reputable news outlets, both local and international, as they often cover human trafficking issues. News websites like BBC, The Guardian, CNN, Al Jazeera, or The New York Times frequently report on the social impact and awareness campaigns related to human trafficking.

8. Social media and online communities: Engage with online communities, discussion forums, or social media platforms focusing on human trafficking issues. Platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, or Facebook groups often have knowledgeable individuals sharing resources and discussing related topics.

Remember to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources you find, cross-referencing information, and verifying facts whenever possible. Human trafficking is a complex issue, and gathering information from various perspectives and sources can provide a well-rounded understanding of its social aspects.