according to a December 4 hospital census of 100 , what are the total inpatient service days for December 5 ?

Insufficient information

To determine the total inpatient service days for December 5 based on a December 4 hospital census, we need additional information. The hospital census provides the number of patients present in the hospital on a specific day, but it doesn't directly tell us the length of stay for each patient.

However, if we assume that all patients present on December 4 stayed for the entirety of December 5, we can use the hospital census numbers as an estimate of the total inpatient service days for December 5.

In this case, since the December 4 hospital census was 100 patients, we can estimate that there were 100 inpatient service days on December 5. This assumes that none of the patients were discharged or admitted on December 5.

Please note that this is only an estimate and the actual total inpatient service days for December 5 may vary depending on discharge and admission records. To get the precise number, you would need access to more detailed information from the hospital, such as daily admission and discharge records or patient records.