A toy baseball bat comes with 3 plastic balls in a box that is a rectangular solid. The box is just big enough to hold the 3 balls

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To find the dimensions of the box, we need to determine the size of the balls. Unfortunately, the size of the balls is not mentioned in the question. Therefore, we cannot calculate the exact dimensions of the box.

However, we can still provide a general explanation of how to approach this type of problem. Here are the steps:

1. Identify the given information: In this case, we know that the toy baseball bat comes with 3 plastic balls and that the box is a rectangular solid.

2. Determine the relationship between the balls and the box: Since the box is said to be "just big enough" to hold the 3 balls, it suggests that the box should have dimensions that allow the balls to fit tightly inside.

3. Consider the volume of the balls: The volume of each ball is typically calculated using the formula: Volume = (4/3) * π * radius^3, where π is a constant and the radius refers to the distance from the center of the ball to its edge.

4. Determine the total volume of the balls: Multiply the volume of a single ball by the number of balls (in this case, 3) to find the total volume occupied by the balls.

5. Find the dimensions of the box: Since the box is a rectangular solid, we can use its volume formula: Volume = length * width * height. The box's volume should be equal to or slightly larger than the total volume of the balls.

Note: Without knowing the specific size of the balls, we cannot provide exact measurements for the dimensions of the box.