In a quadrilateral ABCD, the diagonal AC bisects angle BAD and AB = BC = CD. Prove that the other diagonal, BD, bisects angle ADC.


To prove that diagonal BD bisects angle ADC, we can use the property that in an isosceles triangle, the angle bisector of the base angle also bisects the opposite side.

Let's label the point of intersection of diagonal AC and BD as point E.

First, let's establish some facts:

1. We know that angle BAD is bisected by diagonal AC. Therefore, angle BAE is congruent to angle CAE.
2. We are given that AB = BC and BC = CD, so AB = BC = CD. This implies that triangle ABC and triangle BCD are isosceles triangles.

Now, let's proceed with the proof:

1. Since AB = BC, and angle BAE = angle CAE, we can conclude that triangle ABE and triangle ACE are congruent by the side-angle-side (SAS) congruence criterion.
2. Similarly, since BC = CD, and angle CAE = angle DAE, we can conclude that triangle BCE and triangle CDE are congruent by the SAS congruence criterion.
3. From congruent triangles ABE and ACE, we know that angle BAE = angle CAE.
4. From congruent triangles BCE and CDE, we know that angle CAE = angle DAE.
5. Combining the information from steps 3 and 4, we can conclude that angle BAE = angle DAE.
6. Since line segment BD intersects angles BAE and DAE at point E, and angle BAE = angle DAE, we can conclude that diagonal BD bisects angle ADC, as desired.

Therefore, we have proved that in quadrilateral ABCD, if diagonal AC bisects angle BAD and AB = BC = CD, then the other diagonal BD bisects angle ADC.

To prove that diagonal BD bisects angle ADC in quadrilateral ABCD where AC bisects angle BAD, and AB = BC = CD, we can use the angle bisector theorem.

Let's start the proof:

1. Given that AB = BC = CD, we can say that triangle ABC and triangle BCD are isosceles triangles.
2. Since AB = BC and AC bisects angle BAD, we can conclude that AC is also the perpendicular bisector of BC. Similarly, since BC = CD and AC bisects angle BAD, AC is also the perpendicular bisector of CD.
3. Therefore, we have AC as the perpendicular bisector of both BC and CD.
4. Since the perpendicular bisectors of two sides of a triangle meet at the circumcenter, we can say that point C is the circumcenter of triangle ABD.
5. As the circumcenter, point C is equidistant from points A and B. Therefore, AC = BC.
6. Because AB = BC and AC = BC, we have AB = AC.
7. By using the transitive property, we can conclude that AB = AC = BC.
8. Since AB = AC = BC, triangle ABC is also an equilateral triangle.
9. Now, let's consider triangle ACD. Since AB = CD and AC bisects angle BAD, we can conclude that AC is the perpendicular bisector of both AB and CD.
10. Similar to step 4, we can say that point C is the circumcenter of triangle ABD.
11. As the circumcenter, point C is equidistant from points A and D. Therefore, AC = DC.
12. By using the transitive property, we can conclude that AC = DC = AD.
13. Since AC = DC and AC = AD, we have DC = AD.
14. By definition of angle bisector, diagonal BD bisects angle ADC in quadrilateral ABCD.

Therefore, we have proven that diagonal BD bisects angle ADC in quadrilateral ABCD where AC bisects angle BAD, and AB = BC = CD.