If the Twin Towers were still standing today, how long would they stand for in this century?

I don't understand what you're asking. Please clarify.

I'm sorry, Ms. Sue. I'll say it clearly.

When the two World Trade Center buildings were fully completed in the 1970's, how long would it last for?


These types of building are designed for greater than 100 years. The inner structure is examined and maintained, the outer can be repaired/replaced. Only the foundation (bedrock) is not repairable, so the building depends on that, and it is the unknown variable.

To estimate how long the Twin Towers would have stood if they were still standing today, we need to consider various factors and use some reasoning. Here are the steps to approach this question:

1. Determine the original construction period: The Twin Towers, also known as the World Trade Center (WTC) towers, were completed in 1973. So, this gives us an understanding of how long they stood before the September 11, 2001 attacks.

2. Assess maintenance and renovation: Buildings require ongoing maintenance and occasional renovations to ensure their structural integrity. The original World Trade Center towers required periodic upkeep, so it is reasonable to assume that they would have undergone similar maintenance if they were still standing today. This could include regular inspections, repairs, and renovations.

3. Consider the lifespan of similar structures: To estimate a potential lifespan, we can examine the lifespans of other skyscrapers built around the same time or earlier. For example, the Empire State Building in New York City, completed in 1931, is still standing and operational today, almost 90 years later. This suggests that well-built skyscrapers can last for several decades with proper maintenance.

4. Account for changing building codes and technology: Over the years, building codes and construction technology have evolved. If the Twin Towers were still standing today, they would likely undergo updates to comply with current building regulations and incorporate newer technologies for improved safety and sustainability. These updates would affect their potential lifespan.

Considering these factors, it is difficult to provide an exact answer, but it is reasonable to speculate that the Twin Towers could have continued to stand for several more decades if they had been properly maintained and renovated in accordance with modern standards. However, it's important to note that this estimation is subjective and speculative since it is based on assumptions and cannot account for unforeseen events or circumstances.