responsibilities that a teacher has to volunteer parent when these parent are invited to participate in learning activities.I need to include Five responsibilities in my discuss and I need to give an example of each.

These responsibilities include:

making the parent feel wanted and useful
Example: greeting the parent warmly and thanking him/her

explaining clearly the goal of the lesson

explaining and demonstrating what the teacher wants the parent to do

being sure that all materials are organized and available

supervising the learning activity without interfering with the student-parent interaction

When it comes to volunteering parents who are invited to participate in learning activities, teachers have several responsibilities. These responsibilities are crucial in ensuring a positive and productive engagement between parents and the school community. Here are five responsibilities a teacher has towards volunteering parents, along with examples for each:

1. Communication: Teachers must effectively communicate with volunteering parents to convey important information and clarify expectations. For example, a teacher could provide clear instructions via email for an upcoming science experiment session, outlining the necessary materials and explaining the purpose and outcomes of the activity.

2. Support and guidance: Teachers should offer assistance and guidance to volunteering parents, ensuring they feel prepared and comfortable in their role. For instance, a teacher can provide resources and tips on how to help their child understand and practice a math concept during a volunteer-led math game session.

3. Collaboration: Teachers should foster a collaborative environment where both teachers and volunteering parents work together towards common goals. For example, a teacher could invite parent volunteers to join in creating a classroom display to celebrate a cultural event, encouraging them to share their expertise and ideas.

4. Recognition: Teachers should recognize and appreciate the contributions of volunteering parents, making them feel valued and acknowledged. For instance, a teacher could publicly thank parent volunteers during a school assembly or send personalized notes expressing gratitude for their time and effort.

5. Reflection and feedback: Teachers should provide opportunities for volunteering parents to share their observations, suggestions, and concerns. A teacher could conduct a post-activity survey to gather feedback from parent volunteers, allowing them to voice their opinions and contribute to ongoing improvements.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, teachers can create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that encourages volunteering parents to actively participate in learning activities, benefitting both the students and the entire school community.