Would an organism change colors while multiplying?

In Andromeda Strain, the Andromeda changes from green to purple every time in multiplies. Does this happen in real life or was that just something made up to make the book more interesting??

In real life, organisms changing colors while multiplying, like the phenomenon depicted in the book "The Andromeda Strain," is primarily a fictional concept. While there are certain organisms that can change color or exhibit different pigmentation for various reasons, such as camouflage, communication, or reaction to environmental factors, these changes are typically not directly linked to the act of reproducing or multiplying.

To better understand this topic and gain a more accurate understanding of how organisms can change color or exhibit different pigmentation, you can use the following approach:

1. Research color-changing organisms: Look into organisms known for their ability to change color, such as certain species of chameleons, cuttlefish, or octopuses. Understand how and why they change color and the biological mechanisms behind it.

2. Explore pigmentation: Study the science of pigmentation in organisms. Learn about pigments like melanin, carotenoids, and chromatophores, which contribute to an organism's coloration. Understand how these pigments are produced, regulated, and their purpose in different organisms.

3. Investigate environmental factors: Discover how environmental factors such as light, temperature, and hormone levels can impact an organism's coloration. Some animals, like Arctic foxes or Arctic hares, can undergo seasonal color changes to blend in with different backgrounds.

4. Consider other factors: While color changes during multiplication may not be common, there may be other indicators of reproduction or multiplication, such as increased size, swelling, or altered behavior. Explore these factors in different organisms to understand how they indicate multiplication.

By following these steps, you'll gain a clearer understanding of how color change occurs in organisms and be able to distinguish between fictional portrayals and real-life phenomenon.