no storms in the ______ future.


I chose b)foreseeable
but when I looked it up online
both came up in the spelling.

which is correct? thanks

B is correct

yayy I got it right then : )


Both "forseable" and "foreseeable" are variations of the same word, but "foreseeable" is the correct spelling. The word "foreseeable" means capable of being anticipated or predicted.

To determine the correct spelling of a word, it is always a good idea to consult a reliable dictionary. Online sources may sometimes provide incorrect or non-standard spellings, so it's best to refer to trusted language references.

However, if a quick online search reveals variations in spelling, it could be an indication of regional or dialectal differences. In such cases, it's a good practice to follow the spelling that is more widely accepted and recognized in your intended audience or the specific context you are using the word in.

In this case, "foreseeable" is considered the standard and widely accepted spelling, so it would be more appropriate to use it in your writing or communication.