How can I use a strong action verb to make each of these senteces come alive>

11.A Seaside forward got the ball.
12. Her teammate went to the other end of the court.
13. The forward sent the ball the lengh of the court.
14. Romelia poput the ball into the basket.
15. The Seaside fans and players yelled excitedly.

You should be able to find some strong verbs in this thesaurus.

The seaside fans and players yelled excitedly

How to make sentences from at the seaside with action verbs

To make each of these sentences come alive, you can replace weak action verbs with strong ones. Here are some suggestions for each sentence:

11. A Seaside forward intercepted the ball.
To use a strong action verb, you can replace "got" with "intercepted" to convey a more powerful and dynamic action.

12. Her teammate sprinted to the other end of the court.
To add more energy to the sentence, you can replace "went" with "sprinted" to emphasize the speed and agility of the teammate's movement.

13. The forward launched the ball the length of the court.
To make the sentence more vivid, you can replace "sent" with "launched" to depict a forceful and powerful action of propelling the ball.

14. Romelia slammed the ball into the basket.
To make the sentence more exciting, you can replace "put" with "slammed" to convey a stronger and more forceful action.

15. The Seaside fans and players erupted in exuberant cheers.
To show a greater level of excitement, you can replace "yelled" with "erupted in exuberant cheers" to describe a more energetic and enthusiastic reaction from the fans and players.

Remember, using strong action verbs helps create a more engaging and lively tone in writing.