What is the difference between an equation and an expression? Include an example of each. Can you solve for a variable in an expression? Explain your answer. Can you solve for a variable in an equation? Explain your answer. Write a mathematical phrase or sentence for your classmates to translate. Translate your classmates’ phrases or sentences and explain what clues indicate that the problems are either expressions or equations.

An equation has an = sign; an expression does not.

This should give you a start.

An equation and an expression are both mathematical terms, but they have different meanings and purposes.

An equation is a mathematical statement that consists of two expressions separated by an equal sign (=). Equations are typically used to represent a relationship between two quantities or to find the value of an unknown variable. Here's an example of an equation:

2x + 3 = 9

In this equation, "2x + 3" is an expression on the left side of the equal sign, and "9" is an expression on the right side. The equation states that the sum of 2 times x (2x) and 3 equals 9.

To solve an equation, you need to find a value or values of the variable that makes the equation true. In this example, you can find that x = 3 by performing operations to isolate the variable on one side of the equation:

2x + 3 = 9
Subtract 3 from both sides:
2x = 6
Divide both sides by 2:
x = 3

An expression, on the other hand, is a combination of numbers, variables, and mathematical operations, but it does not have an equal sign. Expressions can be simplified, evaluated, or manipulated, but they cannot be "solved" for a variable. Here's an example of an expression:

3x - 5

In this expression, "3x - 5" represents a combination of multiplying 3 by the variable x and subtracting 5 from it. However, since there's no equation or equality, there is no solution to "solve" for. You could simplify or evaluate this expression for a specific value of x, but you can't find a solution in the same way you can with equations.

Now, let's create a phrase for your classmates to translate:

"Translate the phrase 'twice a number plus five' into a mathematical expression."

Your classmates' translations may look something like:

1) 2x + 5
2) 2n + 5
3) 2(a) + 5

In each translation, the presence of a variable and an operation indicates that it is an expression. The fact that there is no equal sign means that it is not an equation, and therefore cannot be solved for a specific value of the variable.