How are newer religions and older ones similar

What on earth do you mean by "newer" and "older" religions? Is Islam a "newer" religion because it's hundreds of years younger than Christianity?

Actually, Ms. Sue, Islam came years before Christianity. Islam started from day 1. I'm an atheist, but I just wished to point that out.

What are the similaity of Islam and Christianity?

I believe that they both believe in a god or gods. They also have faith within a higher power.

You're right. Both Christianity and Islam honor the same Old Testament prophets.

To understand how newer religions and older ones are similar, we can start by examining the core elements and functions that religions generally serve. Religions, regardless of their age, tend to fulfill certain basic human needs and provide answers to existential questions. Here are a few common ways in which newer and older religions can be similar:

1. Belief in a higher power: Both newer and older religions often involve a belief in a supernatural being or higher power that individuals look to for guidance, support, and a sense of purpose.

2. Rituals and practices: Religions, whether old or new, typically have rituals and practices that followers engage in to express their faith and connect with the divine. These rituals may include prayers, ceremonies, meditation, or specific behaviors.

3. Moral and ethical teachings: Religions often provide guidelines and principles for ethical behavior and moral living. Whether ancient or contemporary, religions often emphasize virtues such as compassion, honesty, love, and justice.

4. Community and fellowship: Both new and old religions often foster a sense of community and togetherness among their followers. They provide a space for believers to connect, share experiences, and support one another spiritually and socially.

5. Spiritual growth and transformation: Religions, regardless of their age, often provide frameworks for personal growth and spiritual development. They may offer teachings, practices, and paths for individuals to deepen their understanding, overcome moral challenges, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

It's important to note that while newer religions may share similarities with older ones, each religion has its distinct beliefs, practices, and traditions that are shaped by historical, cultural, and societal factors. To gain a deeper understanding of specific religions, it can be helpful to study their texts, teachings, and engage in conversations with practitioners or scholars who can provide insights into their similarities and differences.