K=1/2(6.6 x 10^2 kg)(2.11 x 10^4 m/s)^2

To find the value of K using the given formula, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the value of (6.6 x 10^2 kg)
- Multiply 6.6 by 10^2: 6.6 x 10^2 = 660

Step 2: Calculate the value of (2.11 x 10^4 m/s)^2
- Square the value of 2.11 x 10^4: (2.11 x 10^4)^2 = 4.4521 x 10^8 m^2/s^2

Step 3: Multiply the values obtained in Step 1 and Step 2 by 1/2
- Multiply 660 by 1/2: (1/2) * 660 = 330
- Multiply 4.4521 x 10^8 by 1/2: (1/2) * 4.4521 x 10^8 = 2.22605 x 10^8

Step 4: Multiply the values obtained in Step 3
- Multiply 330 by 2.22605 x 10^8: 330 * 2.22605 x 10^8 = 731,767,650

Therefore, the value of K is 731,767,650.