why should EDTA solution be stored in polyethylene container?

When stored in glass container it leads to alkali leaching and gets mixed with EDTA ( complexing agent). To avoid this we store it is polythene container

As opposed to what kind of bottle?

EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is commonly used as a chelating agent in many laboratory applications, including as a preservative in biological samples for DNA extraction and in buffer solutions. Here are some reasons why EDTA solutions are often stored in polyethylene containers:

1. Chemical Compatibility: Polyethylene (PE) is chemically inert to EDTA and does not react with it. This ensures that the container material does not contaminate or react with the EDTA solution, maintaining its stability and integrity.

2. Low Permeability: Polyethylene has low permeability to moisture and gases, which helps prevent evaporation and the introduction of contaminants into the EDTA solution. This maintains the concentration and effectiveness of the solution over time.

3. Adequate Strength: Polyethylene containers provide sufficient mechanical strength to hold and store the EDTA solutions without the risk of leakage or breakage. The containers can withstand the pressure created by the liquid and are generally resistant to cracking.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Polyethylene is a relatively low-cost material, making it a practical choice for storage containers. This allows for cost-effective storage of EDTA solutions, especially when larger quantities are required.

It is important to note that while polyethylene is a suitable material for most EDTA solutions, it is always recommended to check the compatibility of the specific formulation with the container material and consult any guidelines or instructions provided by the manufacturer.

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) solution is often stored in a polyethylene container for several reasons:

1. Chemical Compatibility: EDTA is a chelating agent, meaning it forms stable complexes with metal ions. Polyethylene is chemically inert, which means it does not react with or degrade the EDTA solution, ensuring its stability during storage.

2. Non-reactive Material: Polyethylene is resistant to many chemicals, including strong acids and bases. This property prevents any interactions between the container material and the EDTA solution, preserving its integrity.

3. Leach-resistant: Polyethylene containers have low permeability, which means they are less likely to leach or absorb substances from the environment. This helps maintain the concentration and purity of the EDTA solution, avoiding contamination.

To store EDTA solution in a polyethylene container, follow these steps:

1. Choose a polyethylene container specifically designed for storing chemicals. Look for containers made from high-density or low-density polyethylene.

2. Ensure the container is clean and free from any chemical residues or contaminants. Rinse it thoroughly with distilled water and dry it before use.

3. Transfer the EDTA solution into the polyethylene container carefully, taking measures to prevent spills or splashes.

4. Seal the container tightly to prevent evaporation or leakage.

5. Store the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperature fluctuations. This helps maintain the stability and shelf life of the EDTA solution.

By using a polyethylene container and following proper storage practices, you can ensure the long-term stability and integrity of the EDTA solution.