the role of medecine inpreventing illness. describe procedure you would follow to administer medecine to a child in your program, (my answer - all medication* written approval of a parent or guardian. prescribed medication shall be administered pnly as directed on the label or as otherwise prescribed by a physycian. medication must be stored in the original containeer( child name amount yo be administered and date of expiry. *shall be administerd only on the 2.list three ways of preventing communible disease (do not share personal clothing, `disinfect beddng often, do not share needles) 3/ list four methods which diseases are transmitted (person to person, wearing dirty clothes, eating past due foods. miss sue please help and thanks?

Answer to question 1: The procedure to administer medicine to a child in your program would typically involve the following steps:

1. Obtain written approval: You would need to have written consent from the parent or guardian of the child. This ensures that there is clear permission to administer medication and helps avoid any legal issues.
2. Follow medication instructions: Medication should be administered only as directed on the label or as otherwise prescribed by a physician. It is important to carefully read and understand the instructions before administering any medication.
3. Proper storage: Medications should be stored in their original containers to maintain their integrity and prevent any tampering. Ensure that the container is properly labeled with the child's name, the amount to be administered, and the expiration date.
4. Accurate dosage: Carefully measure the correct dosage of medication using appropriate measuring devices. There are various tools available, such as syringes or measuring cups, to ensure accurate administration and prevent dosing errors.
5. Maintain records: Keep detailed records of all medications administered, including the date, time, dosage, and any observed side effects or reactions. This record-keeping helps monitor the child's progress and can be beneficial in case of any future concerns.

Answer to question 2: Three ways to prevent communicable diseases are:
1. Practice good hygiene: Encourage regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Proper hand hygiene helps reduce the spread of germs and infections.
2. Maintain immunizations: Ensure that you and your child are up to date with all recommended vaccinations. Vaccines can help protect against various communicable diseases and prevent their spread.
3. Practice safe behaviors: Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick or have symptoms of illness. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, preferably with a tissue or your elbow, to prevent the spread of germs.

Answer to question 3: Four methods through which diseases can be transmitted are:
1. Person-to-person: Many diseases can spread through direct contact with an infected person, such as respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing, physical touch, or contact with contaminated surfaces.
2. Airborne transmission: Some diseases can be transmitted through the air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, small particles containing the pathogens can be inhaled by others.
3. Water and foodborne transmission: Contaminated water or food can carry disease-causing microorganisms. Consuming such contaminated substances can lead to the transmission of diseases.
4. Vector-borne transmission: Certain diseases are transmitted through vectors like mosquitoes, ticks, or fleas. These vectors carry pathogens and transmit them to humans when they bite.

Please note that the answers provided here are general in nature, and it is always important to consult with a medical professional or follow specific guidelines and protocols established by your program or organization.