Light may be considered to travel as a ________ or a ________.

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Light may be considered to travel as a

electomagnetic wave but it shows dual nature..i.e., particle nature also. so it travels in st.path

Light may be considered to travel as a wave or a particle.

To understand this concept, we can look into the field of physics, specifically the study of light, known as optics. Light exhibits properties of both waves and particles, which can be described by two theories: the wave theory of light and the particle theory of light.

According to the wave theory of light, light is considered to be an electromagnetic wave. This theory explains phenomena such as interference, diffraction, and polarization. The wave theory accounts for the interference patterns produced by light passing through narrow slits or being reflected from surfaces, as well as the bending of light around obstacles.

On the other hand, the particle theory of light, also known as the corpuscular theory or the photon theory, describes light as a stream of tiny particles called photons. These photons are packets of energy that have both wave-like and particle-like characteristics. The particle theory of light explains phenomena such as the photoelectric effect and the emission/absorption of light by atoms.

The wave-particle duality of light is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, which suggests that light can exhibit properties of both waves and particles depending on the experimental setup or the way it is observed.

In conclusion, light may be considered to travel as a wave (electromagnetic wave) or a particle (photon) based on the different explanations provided by the wave theory and the particle theory of light.