1/ 2/

3x^2-22x-40 + 2/3x^2-16x + 20 add and simplify

can some one show me what im doing to help me solve this problem because this is due by midnight and i do not understand this.

I see the 2/3 as a fraction coefficent of x^2 . If so, then

x^2(3+2/3)-x(22+16) -40 + 20

so what is the answer? I am not understanding what you don't know about it.

its supposed to be 1 over 3x^2-22x-40 + 2 over 3x^2-16x+ 20 and i don't understand, i mean am i supposed to croos out the 3x^2 because its on both sides?

Both sides? Both sides of what?

of the equation

it waqs set up like this

1 + 2
3x^2-22x-40 + 3x^2-16x+20

To add and simplify the given expression, you need to combine like terms. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, let's add the like terms with x^2. We have (3x^2 + 2/3x^2). To add these, we need a common denominator for the fractional term. The common denominator for 3 and 2 is 6. So, we rewrite the expression as:
(3x^2 + (2/3)(6)x^2)

Now, let's simplify this:
(3x^2 + (4/3)x^2) - Multiply (2/3) by 6, which gives us 4.

2. Next, we have -22x - 16x. To add these, we simply combine the coefficients:
(-22x - 16x) = -38x

3. Finally, we have -40 + 20. To add these, we combine the terms:
(-40 + 20) = -20

Now, we put everything together:
(3x^2 + (4/3)x^2) - 38x - 20

To further simplify, we can combine the x^2 terms:
(3 + 4/3)x^2 - 38x - 20

To add the coefficients of the x^2 terms, we need a common denominator for 3 and 3. The common denominator is 3. So, the final simplified expression is:
(9/3 + 4/3)x^2 - 38x - 20

Which can be further simplified as:
(13/3)x^2 - 38x - 20