What type and amount of personal information should be included in a portfolio I am putting together for a job?

It depends on what you mean by 'portfolio' and for what type of job as different posts require very different portfolios. You would take a very different portfolio to an interview for a job as a designer compared to one for a teaching position for example. The latter are often quite imaginative in presentation; I once interviewed a Principal who came with her portfolio on a set of large folding display panels so she could show the whole interviewing panel at once. Suprisingly,perhaps, the designer portfolios I have seen tend to be more conservative.

Generally a resume is included in the portfolio and examples of work. If the latter can be supported by photographs, especially with you doing the work this improves the presentation.

Hope this helps.

it is for an administration job in a long term car organization

You'll get a lot of ideas for a portfolio in these sites.




When putting together a portfolio for a job, it's important to include relevant and professional personal information that showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications. Here are some key types of personal information to include in your portfolio:

1. Contact Information: Include your full name, professional email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile link for employers to easily reach out to you.

2. Resume or CV: Include an up-to-date and well-crafted resume or curriculum vitae (CV) that highlights your education, work experience, skills, certifications, and any relevant achievements.

3. Work Samples: Include samples of your work that demonstrate your abilities, such as writing samples, design projects, coding examples, or any other relevant work related to your field.

4. Certifications and Training: Include a section that lists any certifications, training programs, or workshops you have completed that are relevant to the job or industry you are applying for.

5. Academic Achievements: If you have notable academic accomplishments, such as scholarships, research papers, or presentations, you can include them to showcase your dedication and expertise.

6. Recommendations: Consider including letters of recommendation or contact information for professional references who can vouch for your skills and qualifications.

Remember, while it's important to provide personal information in your portfolio, be mindful of security and privacy. Only include information that is necessary and relevant to your professional qualifications, and avoid including sensitive data such as your home address or social security number.