what is the sixth root of 4096?


To find the sixth root of a number, you need to raise the number to the power of (1/6).

In this case, you want to find the sixth root of 4096. So, you would calculate 4096^(1/6).

To do this calculation, you can use a scientific calculator or a math software, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

If you're using a scientific calculator, simply enter the number 4096, and then use the "x^(1/6)" or "√x" function. The result will be the sixth root of 4096.

If you're using a math software like Excel or Google Sheets, you can use the formula "=POWER(4096, 1/6)" to find the sixth root.

By performing the calculation, you will find that the sixth root of 4096 is 8.