In the poem "The Tortoise in Eternity" by Elinor Wylie in line 1 the phrase "patterned horn" refers to? A. Grass B. Metal C. Engraving D. Shell E. Plastic

"Within my HOUSE of patterned horn."

What do you think? :)



To determine the answer to this question, we need to analyze the poem and understand the context of the phrase "patterned horn" in line 1.

First, you'll need to find a copy of the poem "The Tortoise in Eternity" by Elinor Wylie. You can do this by searching for the poem title in a search engine or by visiting a library or literary website that provides access to the poem.

Once you have the poem in front of you, locate line 1 of the poem and read it carefully. Consider the surrounding lines and the overall theme or topic of the poem.

In this case, the phrase "patterned horn" is used to describe something within the context of a tortoise. So, you might make an educated guess that the "patterned horn" refers to a feature of a tortoise.

Next, you will need to determine which of the options provided (Grass, Metal, Engraving, Shell, Plastic) could be considered a "patterned horn" in relation to a tortoise.

By using your knowledge or doing a quick search online, you will find that the correct answer is D. Shell. Tortoises have hard, protective shells that often have distinct patterns or markings, which could be described as a "patterned horn" in poetic language.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Shell.