what is the difference btw. State Board of Education and the Department of Education? Who does the State Board of Education report to??

That depends on what state you're in.

1. Go to http://www.google.com

2. Type in state board of education tx (or whatever state you're in).

3. Press the Enter key.

4. Read different search results until you find what you need.

5. Re-search with different search terms until you find all the information you need.

The State Board of Education and the Department of Education are two distinct entities in most educational systems.

The State Board of Education is a governing body responsible for setting educational policies, standards, and regulations at the state level. It consists of appointed or elected members who represent various stakeholders in education, such as teachers, parents, administrators, and community members. The State Board of Education's role is to oversee and make decisions regarding curriculum, assessment, graduation requirements, teacher certification, funding allocation, and other educational matters. It holds meetings to discuss and vote on proposed policies and regulations.

On the other hand, the Department of Education is an administrative agency that implements and enforces the policies set by the State Board of Education. It is typically led by a superintendent or commissioner of education who is appointed by the governor or elected by the State Board of Education. The Department of Education supports the implementation of educational policies, manages state and federal funding distribution, provides guidance and resources to school districts, conducts audits and evaluations, and ensures compliance with state and federal laws related to education.

Regarding reporting lines, the State Board of Education is usually an independent entity that reports directly to the governor or the state legislature. While the Department of Education, as an administrative agency, typically operates under the authority of the governor or state superintendent of education. The Department of Education is responsible for executing the policies and decisions made by the State Board of Education.

To find specific information about your state's educational system, I recommend visiting the official website of your state's education department or board of education. These websites usually provide details about their structures, roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines.