Which of the following would be more appropriate to present in paragraph form than as a table within a document?

A. Descriptions of the three key events that have lead up to the decision to relocate the business
B. Comparative sales figures, by month, from 2004 to 2007
C. The names and employee identification numbers of the 16 staff members in the marketing department.
D. Insurance quotes from six companies.

I am torn between A and D. I believe it's D because I'm sure you could present A in a table with bullet points. D seems to need more information on that subject but I'm not entriely sure. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

It's A.

You need to provide descriptions -- and tables do not do this.

Insurance quotes are simply numbers and can be best presented in a table.

Alright. Thank you so much for the help!

You're welcome.

In this case, the more appropriate option to present in paragraph form rather than as a table within a document is A. Descriptions of the three key events that have led up to the decision to relocate the business.

For option A, presenting the information in the form of a paragraph will allow you to provide detailed descriptions of each key event and explain their significance in a more narrative and contextual manner. This format will better convey the sequence of events, the causes and effects, and any other relevant information that may help the reader understand the decision to relocate the business.

On the other hand, option D, insurance quotes from six companies, is better suited for presenting as a table within a document. This is because presenting the quotes in tabular form will allow for easy comparison of the different quotes, including the various parameters such as coverage, premium amount, deductibles, etc. A table will provide a more concise and structured way to present multiple data points side by side, making it easier for the reader to analyze and make informed decisions.

To summarize, when deciding between presenting information in paragraph form or as a table, consider the level of detail and narrative flow needed for the content. If the information requires explanations, descriptions, or a narrative context, it is generally more appropriate to present it in a paragraph form. On the other hand, if the information consists of multiple data points that need to be compared, contrasted, or organized for easy analysis, presenting it as a table would be more suitable.