the following names are incorrect,draw their structures and supply the correct name.(a)2-isopropylpentane (b)3-ethyl-5-methylhexane

We can't draw structures on the board; however, here is how to name organic compounds. Note the name for 2-isopropylpentane is 2,3-dimethylhexane.

I meant to leave this link in the original response but forgot.

To draw the structures and supply the correct names for the given names, we need to understand the nomenclature rules for organic compounds. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) provides guidelines for naming organic compounds.

(a) 2-isopropylpentane:

To draw the structure, start by considering the prefix "2-isopropyl." Isopropyl refers to a three-carbon chain with a branch attached to the second carbon. In this case, the main chain contains five carbon atoms (pentane), and there is an isopropyl (i.e., -CH(CH3)2) branch attached to the second carbon. The correct structure and name are as follows:

CH3 CH(CH3)2
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(b) 3-ethyl-5-methylhexane:

To draw the structure, we start by identifying the prefix "3-ethyl-5-methyl." This means that there is an ethyl group (-CH2CH3) attached to the third carbon and a methyl group (-CH3) attached to the fifth carbon. The main chain contains six carbon atoms (hexane). The correct structure and name are as follows:



Please note that the structures above are simplified diagrams and may not accurately depict the spatial arrangement of atoms.