What is the average velocity between 0.6 h and 1 h?

A. + 0.4 km/h

B. + 1.25 km/h

C. + 1.66 km/h

D. + 2.5 km/h

This questions is hard for me to understand because you can only find average velocity by dividing the displacement by the time, and here they don't give you displacement.

What is the object's displacement between 0.4 h and 0.6 h?

A. -0.75 km

B. +0.25 km

C. +0.75 km

D. +1.0 km

This questions is the same as well, can you show me what to do. You can show me an example like this questions if you really want.

The additional information needed to answer these questions may come from a graph you have not mentioned

To calculate average velocity, you need to have both the displacement and the time interval. In both of these questions, they only provide the time interval but not the displacement. Without the displacement, we cannot accurately calculate the average velocity.

However, in the second question about the object's displacement between 0.4 h and 0.6 h, we can still calculate the displacement using the given information.

To find displacement, we need to know the object's initial position and its final position. In this case, we are given the time interval, but not the positions. Without knowing the positions, we cannot determine the displacement accurately.

So, unfortunately, without sufficient information about the object's positions or displacement, we cannot answer either of these questions.

In future questions, it is important to make sure you have all of the necessary information to solve the problem. Without all the required data, it may not be possible to determine the answer.