Which one is more "simple"?

(-7(2x + 3))/(x(x + 3))


(-14 x + 21)/(x^2 + 3x)

I would go with the factored form but i'm still kind of confused as to what exactly what it means for an equation to be "simple"

see like I'm kind of confused by this as well isn't this more simple

x^-1 rather than 1/x ?

can you please give like a deffinition of "simple" for equations what does it mean for an equation to be in it's most simplest forms? That I can apply to any mathematical equation

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Determining which equation is more "simple" depends on different factors such as the level of simplification and ease of understanding. In the context of algebraic expressions or equations, simplification usually refers to reducing the expression to its most basic form by combining like terms and factoring out common factors.

Looking at the given expressions:

Expression 1: (-7(2x + 3))/(x(x + 3)).
Expression 2: (-14x + 21)/(x^2 + 3x).

To compare the simplicity of these expressions, we can consider the following factors:

1. Complexity: Expression 1 is relatively more complex than Expression 2 due to the presence of multiple factors and parentheses. Expression 2, on the other hand, consists of relatively simple terms.

2. Common factors: Expression 1 has a common factor of (x + 3) in both the numerator and denominator, which can be canceled out. The simplified form of Expression 1 is -7(2x + 3)/(x). Expression 2 does not have any common factors that can be canceled out.

Based on the above factors, Expression 2 (-14x + 21)/(x^2 + 3x) is simpler compared to Expression 1 (-7(2x + 3))/(x(x + 3)). However, simplicity can sometimes be subjective, and it also depends on the specific simplification goals or context of the problem.

In general, a simpler equation or expression is often desirable since it can make calculations and problem-solving more efficient, easier to understand, and less prone to error.