If �Úc ≅ �Úd, m�Úc = 5x - 7, and m�Úd = 3x + 25, how many degrees are in �Úc?

Please first explain your ≅ and Ú symbols. On my computer screen, they do not make sense.

looks to me that you would be just solving

5x-7 = 3x + 25

and then putting that value of x back into 5x-7

I updated my Firefox for Mac and now am getting another unrecognizable symbol, � , in your question.

To find the measure of angle �Úc, we need to set two angle measures equal to each other and solve for x.

Given that �Úc is congruent to �Úd (�Úc ≅ �Úd), it means that their measures are equal.

So we can write the equation as:

m�Úc = m�Úd

Substituting the given angle measures, we have:

5x - 7 = 3x + 25

Now, solve this equation to find the value of x.

First, combine like terms by subtracting 3x from both sides:

5x - 3x - 7 = 3x - 3x + 25

2x - 7 = 25

Then, isolate the x term by adding 7 to both sides:

2x - 7 + 7 = 25 + 7

2x = 32

Finally, divide both sides by 2 to solve for x:

2x/2 = 32/2

x = 16

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into either equation to find the measure of angle �Úc.

Using the equation m�Úc = 5x - 7:

m�Úc = 5(16) - 7

m�Úc = 80 - 7

m�Úc = 73

Therefore, the measure of angle �Úc is 73 degrees.