What happens to the rate of evaporation of a liquid after…

a. a decrease in temperature
b. an increase in the surface area of a liquid exposed to air
c. an increase in the intermolecular forces

a. If the temperature decreases the kinetic energy of the molecules of the liquid decrease; therefore, the rate of evaporation is slower.

b. If the surface area is increased that gives more area from which the liquid may evaporate and the rate will increase.
c. Intermolecular forces means there is more attraction for the molecules within the liquid and the rate of evaporation will decrease.

To understand what happens to the rate of evaporation of a liquid after certain changes, let's analyze each scenario:

a. Decrease in temperature:
The rate of evaporation is directly affected by temperature. As temperature decreases, the kinetic energy of the liquid particles decreases, resulting in weaker molecular motion. This means that the liquid particles have less energy to overcome the intermolecular forces that keep them together, leading to a slower rate of evaporation.

b. Increase in the surface area of a liquid exposed to air:
When the surface area of a liquid exposed to air increases, there is more surface area available for evaporation to occur. This allows a larger number of liquid particles to come into contact with the air, increasing the rate of evaporation. So, an increase in surface area leads to an increase in the rate of evaporation.

c. Increase in the intermolecular forces:
Intermolecular forces are the attractive forces between molecules. They include forces like hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, and London dispersion forces. If the intermolecular forces in a liquid are increased, it becomes harder for the liquid particles to escape from the liquid phase and enter the gas phase. This results in a decrease in the rate of evaporation.

In summary, the rate of evaporation is directly affected by temperature, surface area exposed to air, and intermolecular forces. A decrease in temperature or an increase in intermolecular forces generally leads to a decrease in the rate of evaporation. Conversely, an increase in the surface area exposed to air typically results in an increase in the rate of evaporation.