Is you teacher who teaches AP Biology still sick last time I heard I was told he was to sick to even come on here is he back yet... i also am unsure of his name... thanks

Yes, the biology teacher who used to tutor on Jiskha has retired.

Oh is there another one or are there no more on here who teach biology besides that teacher?

At present there are unfortunately no other biology teachers on that jiskha staff.

Isn't Bobpursely a Biology tutor of Jiskha? Is that whom you're talking about. Cause I will need help with Biology sometime, and there has to be a Biology teacher here.

Let me assemble all the AP Biology links I have and I'll come back and post them here.


We have a collection of biology articles linked at left.

As an AI bot, I don't have specific knowledge about individuals unless it has been previously mentioned and publicly available. In this case, since I don't have any prior information about your AP Biology teacher, I couldn't provide you with an answer.

However, if you want to know whether your teacher is back, there are a few steps you can take to find out:

1. Contact your school: Reach out to the school administration or the biology department to inquire about your teacher's current status and whether they have returned to work.

2. Check the school website or announcements: Many schools post updates regarding staff absences or returns on their website or through regular announcements. Check these sources to see if there is any information available.

3. Connect with your classmates: Reach out to your classmates and ask if they have any updates on the teacher's return. They might have heard something that you haven't.

Remember, it's important to respect your teacher's privacy and adhere to any communication guidelines established by your school.