The area of a circle is 28.26 square centimeters. What is its diameter (use 3.14 for ð)?

Solve for r and then double it to get the diameter.

A = pi * r^2
28.26 = 3.14 * r^2


To find the diameter of a circle given its area, you can use the formula:

Area of circle = π * (radius^2)

However, since we are given the area and asked to find the diameter, we need to rearrange the formula to solve for the diameter. The formula for the diameter can be obtained by rearranging the formula for the radius:

Radius = √(Area of circle / π)

To find the diameter, we will double the radius:

Diameter = 2 * Radius

Here is how you can find the diameter of the given circle:

1. Substitute the given area (28.26) into the formula for the radius:

Radius = √(28.26 / 3.14)

2. Calculate the square root:

Radius ≈ √9 ≈ 3

3. Double the radius to get the diameter:

Diameter = 2 * 3 = 6

Therefore, the diameter of the given circle is 6 centimeters.