solve the formula for the given letter. Assume all variables represent non-negative numbers. E=jc^2

solve for c


divide everything by j, so
E/J = c^2
take the square root of everything to make C^2 to c
so √ E/J = C

p.s. √ = square root of

so in order to have c solved you transfer the �ã to the oposite side after division? and then the answer will be found?

To solve for c in the equation E = jc^2, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by j to isolate c^2:
(E / j) = (jc^2 / j)

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation by canceling out the j's:
(E / j) = c^2

Step 3: Take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for c:
√(E / j) = √(c^2)

Step 4: The equation simplifies to:
c = √(E / j)

Therefore, c is equal to the square root of E divided by j.

To solve the formula E = jc^2 for c, we need to isolate the variable c on one side of the equation.

1. Start by dividing both sides of the equation by j:
E/j = jc^2/j

2. Simplify the equation:
E/j = c^2

3. To isolate c, take the square root of both sides of the equation:
√(E/j) = √(c^2)

Remember that when you take the square root of a squared term, you need to consider both the positive and negative roots.

4. Simplify the square root of (c^2):
√(E/j) = |c|

The absolute value symbol (| |) indicates that c can be either positive or negative.

Therefore, the solution for c is:
c = ± √(E/j)

This means that c can be either the positive or negative square root of (E/j).