Perform the indicated operation then determine the reciprocal:

4-(-3)2 ÷ (-7x4+3)

4-(-3)2 ÷ (-7x4+3)

4-(-6) / (-25)

10/-25 = -2/5

The reciprocal is -5/2 or -2.5.

Hope this helps.


To solve this problem, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

The first step is to work within the parentheses. We have (-3)2 inside the parentheses, which means we need to square -3. Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. So, (-3)2 = (-3) * (-3) = 9.

Next, we need to evaluate the expression inside the second set of parentheses. We have (-7x4+3). To simplify this expression, we first need to multiply -7 and 4. That gives us -28. Next, we add 3 to -28. So, (-7x4+3) equals -28 + 3 = -25.

Now, we can substitute these values back into the original expression: 4 - 9 ÷ -25.

Next, we need to evaluate the division: 9 ÷ -25. Dividing 9 by -25 gives us -0.36 (rounded to two decimal places).

Now, we can substitute this value back into the original expression: 4 - (-0.36).

To subtract a negative number, we can change the subtraction to addition and change the sign of the number being subtracted. So, 4 - (-0.36) becomes 4 + 0.36.

Adding 4 and 0.36 gives us 4.36.

Finally, to find the reciprocal, we take the multiplicative inverse of the result. In other words, we divide 1 by the result. So, the reciprocal of 4.36 is 1/4.36 or approximately 0.229.

Therefore, the result of the expression 4-(-3)2 ÷ (-7x4+3) is approximately 0.229.