You have 32 coins. Some are nickels and otheres are dimes. How many coins are dimes? How many are dimes?

Where's the rest of the information?

Do you know the total amount of money you have?

there are endless possibilities in order to find the answer you have to know the total amount of money that the coins add up to

To determine the number of dimes and nickels you have, you need to gather some information. Let's call the number of dimes "d" and the number of nickels "n."

Since you have a total of 32 coins, you can express this information as a mathematical equation:

d + n = 32

However, this equation alone is not enough to give us a definitive answer. We need more information to solve for the variables.

Is there any additional information available about the number of nickels or dimes, such as the total value of the coins or their ratio? This information is essential to determine the specific number of dimes and nickels in your collection.